Saturday, August 27, 2022

Proverb and Quotes

Be like the sun for

grace and mercy.

Be like the night to

cover others' faults.

Be like running

water for generosity.

"Do a good deed and throw it in the river. One day it will come back to you in the desert." - Rumi
Yes, whatever good deed we do to other people will come back to us at difficult times and help us with peace of mind.

"Even though

you disagree,

do not refuse

to listen."

- African Proverb

Even though something is boring or we don't want, always don't neglect totally. You may find something useful in that speech and that will be good turning point in you life.

"The first

requisite for success is

to develop the ability

to FOCUS."


"Success is prize for those who stand true to their ideas." an inspirational thought by John S. Hinds


LEADS TO SUCCESS." a great motivational Japanese Proverb

"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace." By Albert Schweitzer

“Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.” By Oprah Winfrey

"India is changing. India's stand on the global stage is rising and this is due to Jan Shakthi." By Honorable Shree Narendra Modi - Prime Minister of India. Happy World Peace Day. 21st of September. "As far as India is concerned ordinary Citizens to Chief Ministers of various States and Union Territories are contributing for India's growth and Global Economic Development." By Srinivasan B 

“Everything will be fine if Peace is persisting. Every country, every leader, every person has to adopt peace has the primary policy, follow peace under any circumstances. Priority must be provided to peace, in any environment. Peace can solve any issue. Peaceful solution can solve any problem. Peace will inspire prosperity and progress. Enmity and violence will perish the peace.” By Srinivasan Babu

“Do not MOCK anyone. Instead you be the motivator to MAKE something useful for society.” - Srinivasan Babu

"The Sea, once it casts its spell, hold one in its net of wonder forever." By Jacques Cousteau
Why people jump from Ship!

When #ship is sailing on the #sea how #people will jump from ship. It's risky, is not it!

Unless people know how to #swim they will not jump.

Even if they know swimming also people will hesitate to jump because there are #sharks and other sea creatures are swimming already. If you are sure of reaching the shore safely by swimming only, you can jump. Otherwise, continue your journey in the ship and reach the shore safely.

Love Wishes 1 Good Morning Good Night Quotes Women Week Days Sweetie Baby God Animated Night Animation Weekend Flowers Lovers 2 Festival Lovers 3 Birds Snacks Cats Love Dialogues Good Afternoon Proverbs Labor Quotes English Expressions

your visions and your

dreams as they are

the children of your

soul, the blueprints

of your ultimate


- Napoleon Hill

"True friendship between countries is vital for development, people to people relationship, cultural connections, trade ties, free diplomatic dialogues etc.,"ЁЯЗоЁЯЗ│ЁЯдЭЁЯЗ▓ЁЯЗ╗

"If you want to live

a happy life, tie it to a

goal, not to people

or things." -Albert Einstein 

Nice #quote Our goal or objective is important but simultaneously we need to consider people, things, tools connected to our #work while executing that work. #People are most important. This World runs because of people. If there's no citizens, currency for that country, there's no country #world ЁЯСН

Past, present and future.

Past is already gone. But you can try to learn something from past and move to future, rectifying the errors of past. We must not forget the present. Because if we are successful in present then only we can move to future in confidence. Present activities decides the future.

“A world without freedom of speech is a world of slavery and tyranny.”
- Prof. Jordan B Peterson

“Don’t make someone to worry, and then say sorry.” -Srinivasan B
“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.” - Carl Jung 

"Money grows

on the

tree of

Persistence." Japanese Proverb Great proverb. Yes, "Persistence performance will bring out the best from you. When you work continuously on something, you will think more, you will learn so many things, you will discuss more, gain good knowledge, surely it will result in increase of productivity." 

“Growth requires confidence, consistency of purpose, and stability.” -Srinivasan Babu 

At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India ЁЯСН will awake to life and freedom. A patriotic, great, wonderful freedom thought By Honorable Jawaharlal Nehru Sir ЁЯЩПЁЯЩПЁЯЩП

"It is the mind that makes good or ill. That which makes us happy or sad; rich or poor." By Edmund Spencer
"Clear vision is vital for victory in an undertaking tasks."
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"Those who would give

up essential liberty, to

purchase a little

temporary safety,

deserve neither

liberty nor safety."

- Benjamin Franklin

In this safety is always priority on anything, whether little or big. Small liberty we can forego for big one or essential liberty

Progress and perfectionЁЯСЗ

If you want steady progress on your works, you may not be able to follow perfection. To certain extent imperfection can be accepted especially when you perform complicated jobs. When it comes to progress or perfection, progress must be priority.


"I prefer dangerous

freedom over

peaceful slavery."

- Thomas Jefferson

"I passed my hardest moments alone while everyone believed I was fine." - Mr. Elon Musk, he is the great inspiration for many...

This blog author thought about silenceЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Silence is must in human life. But we can't be silence always. We have to open our mouth and speak wherever, whenever necessary. Otherwise, we agree for whatever other people are saying about us, about something. Silence can't be answer for everything. Thanks #silence

If you want to

win hearts you

have to be true

to yourself, be


"Peace brings with it so many positive emotions that it is worth aiming for in all circumstances." By Estella Eliot. Nice thought, any place, any moment, if there's peace prevailing, automatically some freedom will spread in that environment, and that will make anything positive and possible... "Prevailing Peace makes anything positive, progressive, and possible."

"It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it." - Lou Holtz

Good load carrying motivation quote. But weight of the load also has to be considered. If you carry a weight more than your capacity, you may fell down and whatever the thing you are carrying also fell and damages may happen to that thing and you may also get injured. Thanks

"A man doesn't plant a tree for himself. He plants it for posterity." -Alexander Smith

"If there is something to gain and nothing to lose by asking, by all means ask." By W. Clement Stone

"Strategic partnerships will bring long lasting success. Strategic partnerships will drive dynamic success on any field or any sector. " - Srinivasan Babu

"When an Elephant is in trouble, even the Frog will kick him." Indian Proverb

"You can't make

a good deal

with a bad


- Mr. Warren Buffett

"Learning to distance yourself from all the negativity is one of the greatest lessons to achieve inner peace." By Roy T. Bennett

"Strong people don't put others down ... They lift them up." By Michael Watson

"The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace." By Carlos Santana
"An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day." a great thought on significance of walk by Henry David Thoreau. Wherever possible whenever possible keep walking. A short or long walk is better for your whole body. It will do lot of benefits. For example, it will reduce obesity.

"When a Camel is at the foot of a Mountain only then judge his height." Indian Proverb

Poems will make good changes

on society. Some poems will

create wisdom.

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"Especially in Technology we need revolutionary change, not incremental change." By Larry Page - co-founder of Google

"If you want to keep alive in the Jungle, you must live as the Jungle does." By John Wyndham

Good Morning. “Time is the coin of your life. You spend it. Do not allow others to spend it for you.” —Carl Sandburg. "Time is treasure. Treat it well"

"Starting point of achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires brings weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat." By Napoleon Hill "Constant desire for something will enable us to take decisive strong decisions."

“In our life we need friends, need to maintain friendship. We need to help each other. We must respect, regard, reference, and maintain good relationship with our friends. We need to exchange help. Co-operation, tolerance, togetherness is important for life success. Unity, peace and mutual respect among friends, will make great friendship.”

"Strong women don't have attitudes. They have standards." a wonderful thought about women by a Unknown person.

"I have a lot to say," said the Fish, "But my mouth is full of water." Georgian Proverb
#African_Proverb #Georgian_Proverb. A nice proverb, how can anyone can talk, when something is full in their mouth.
"Fear makes the Wolf bigger than he is." German Proverb. A wonderful courage motivational proverb. When we show some fear towards our enemy, it will add some additional strength to our enemy, that itself is half failure on our part. On the other hand, if we face our enemy with some boldness, without any fear, it is always success is possible for us, even if our enemy is stronger than us.
"If one has no sense of humor, one is in trouble." By Betty White
"If you love a tree, you will be more beautiful than before." By Amit Ray

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you." By Walt Whitman

"The future never comes, life is always now." By Eckhart Tolle
"Out of the Mountain of despair, a stone of hope." By Martin Luther King, Jr. A marvelous motivation thought, when we look at the Mountain, we may be discouraged to climb looking at the height, but when we start to climb with some hope, at any moment we may reach the top of the Mountain. Similarly, in many events of our life...
"Until the Lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter." African Proverb #African_Proverb
"Don't focus on the pain, focus on the progress." By Dwayne Johnson. Yes, on what task we focus is progress. When progress happens on the undertaken task, pain may go off... Sweet will fulfill the sad moments...
"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." By Henry Ford
"If anyone makes you feel like you're not good enough... walk away without hesitation." By Boss Babe

"Boasting begins where wisdom stops." Japanese Proverb #Japanese_Proverb
"Teachers open the doors but you must walk through it yourself." Chinese Proverb #Chinese_Proverb
"Eggs have no business dancing with stones." Haitian Proverb
"Depend on your walking stick, not on other people." Japanese Proverb #Japanese_Proverb
"A lie has no legs but scandalous wings." Japanese Proverb #Japanese_Proverb
"After three years useless things are useful too." Japanese Proverb #Japanese_Proverb
"Nothing is impossible for a willing heart." a great hearty French Proverb
"He who digs a pit for others must invariably fall into it." a good humanity African Proverb
"To get lost is to learn the way." a wonderful African Proverb. Yes, when we get lost the direction to our destination, we will go all around the places, that means learning, finding the new path and ways to reach our final destination. May be we would discover short way to reach our destination.
"The calm and silent water drowns a man." a cautioning African Proverb.
"A fool cannot undo the knot tied by a wise man." African Proverb
"Life is much more fun and you will get positive, motivational mood when you're surrounded with optimistic people." Good Morning 
"You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over." By Richard Branson. It's true, we can't follow rules and regulations in all the matters. Sometimes, in some cases we need to relax rules and see that work is done by hook or crook, so as to benefit the people or to company we're working.


"There is no need for fish in an empty pond." a meaningful Persian Proverb. Yes, fish can live in water only, if there's no water in the Pond, how can fish will survive in that Pond. Skill or someone's talent is useful only, when there's an opportunity to show their efficiency effectively. Any fish can swim only in some water, otherwise it can't swim. Fish has to swim for its life survival.

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